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If you are residing in Turkey, you definitely need a set of instructions that you need for a good and orderly use of energy resources, especially electricity, where you need to be constantly aware of ways to save lighting expenses and the use of electrical tools and appliances, especially those related to heating and cooling, which need to consume a large amount of energy electrical .
Many civilized countries depend on the principle of educating their population and residents about the importance of rationalizing energy consumption, especially electric energy, because it is the most consumed and the longest
Turkey regularly provides tips and guidelines to rationalize electricity consumption through press reports on audio-visual and print media.
Awareness reports do not rely only on the principle of reducing the value of the electricity bill in Turkey for the resident, but go beyond that to the stage of creating a culture of rationalization
and saving electricity consumption.
Turkey also presents, through its reports, a set of suggestions for safe use, providing a greater share of electrical energy consumption, saving financial expenses and reducing the electricity bill in Turkey.
The price of a kilowatt of electricity in Turkey varies according to the daily operating hours, and usually the best daily time to use electrical appliances in Turkey is the night period between ten o’clock at night and six in the morning every day.
During that period, the price of a watt of electricity in Turkey spent per hour is at its lowest.
Also, the peak times, when electricity consumption in Turkey is at its highest relative to the price of a kilowatt-hour, is between five and ten at night.
Knowing the price of a kilowatt of electricity in Turkey and adhering to the consumption of electricity in Turkey according to the times of reduction, we in Fanar Realty have prepared the following table to know the price of a kilowatt-hour in Turkey:
In the first place, the use of white light bulbs is one of the best ways to save electrical energy.
These lamps contribute to a significant reduction in electricity consumption in the home if we compare it with the amount of energy consumed while using “mainly red and yellow” colored lamps.
White bulbs save more than 80% of the energy that typically colored bulbs spend.
Electricity can also be saved by not leaving the lamps lit during the day, in rooms that do not need lighting, or in unused rooms.
When the lamp is not needed, it must be turned off.. This in short saves a lot of energy spent without it, and when sunlight can be replaced or windows open, there is no need to turn on the lamps as well.
All of the above about lighting and its provision leads to positive returns in terms of the culture of saving electricity consumption in Turkey, as well as on the value of the electricity bill for residents in Turkey.
One of the daily behaviors that you may not care about is one of the reasons for the increase in electrical energy consumption, and therefore taking care of how to use it saves a lot of electrical energy.
For example: when using the refrigerator, you must realize that its energy consumption decreases as it keeps it cool, and the higher its temperature, the more energy it needs for cooling. One of the measures that reduces the refrigerator's retention of cold is to open the refrigerator door frequently and for long periods, which increases the refrigerator's need for cooling.
Also, the proximity of the refrigerator to other devices that generate heat when operating, such as the oven, increases the temperature of the refrigerator and reduces its cooling. Keeping the refrigerator away from other devices saves a lot of energy.
Likewise, for other appliances, such as a washing machine or dishwashers, and a fruit blender, they must be operated at medium levels and below the upper limit, to save energy and preserve the appliances as well from effort and early damage.
Run it at a temperature between 30 and 40 degrees
Use cold water to rinse the clothes after they have finished washing, and there is no need to rinse them with warm water.
Hang the clothes to dry, which is more efficient than drying with the dryer in the washing machine.
Keep the temperature around 50°C
There is no need to operate the dishwasher unless needed, but running it for a small number of dishes consumes a lot of energy, especially as it needs to heat the water for that.
It is also possible to rationalize the use of electrical energy when operating other devices such as a vacuum cleaner. It must be cleaned well before use because it consumes more energy when its bag is full.
As a last tip for household electrical appliances, they should be disconnected from the electrical sockets and should not be kept connected to the electrical current when they are turned off, because they continue to consume electrical energy even when they are in standby mode, especially the TV.
Saving electricity during heating through the use of gas heating methods is one of the most important ways that save a lot of energy spent and consumed for heating using electricity.
The idea of heating with electrical appliances and electric heaters is not a good idea for those who want to save electricity in Turkey because it is very expensive, especially since the need for heating does not pass in a few hours, as the winter season imposes long hours of heating on you, and all of that is very expensive.
In popular neighborhoods in Turkey, people use wood and charcoal heaters, which are more cost-effective than heating with electrical appliances, but they are harmful to the environment, so they are not allowed to be used in residential complexes and high-end neighborhoods.
The best option for heating in Turkey is gas. It is more economical than heating with electricity or diesel, and safer and healthier than heating with wood or coal.
But if you use electric energy for heating, be sure to rationalize its use and take its adequacy, and avoid operating electrical appliances at peak times as much as possible.
The type and size of the electric heater, its number in the house, and the higher energy that it operates with, can all be considered and controlled when thinking about saving electricity consumption in Turkey.
Always try not to use electrical appliances for cooking or preparing hot drinks such as tea and coffee, because that is expensive for electric energy, and the best thing is to replace it with a gas stove.
If it is necessary to use electrical appliances for cooking, be sure to rationalize their use so that you do not spend extra energy without the need for it.
Frequent opening of cooking utensils or leaving them open throughout the operation of the electrical appliance contributes to an increase in the consumption of electricity and energy for heating and cooking, as closing the cooking pot contributes to saving a large part of the steam, which is the main factor in accelerating the cooking process and thus taking a shorter time and less energy.
Also, the frequent opening and closing of the oven during varying periods during its operation contributes to the loss of steam and the entry of cold air into the oven, which increases the expected duration of the oven’s operation.
Also, the use of steel utensils for cooking usually saves more than 35% of the energy expended when cooking with utensils made of other materials.
Raising awareness of the importance of saving and rationalizing the use of electricity in Turkey
Reducing monthly electricity bills.
Protect electrical appliances from early damage.
The culture of saving electricity in Turkey and ensuring the rational consumption of electric energy in homes and offices is one of the topics that many people desire, but they are ignorant of the correct ways to do so. Many of our daily actions contribute in one way or another to raising the value of the electricity bill in Turkey that is required of us, but we do not feel that.
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