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In this article, we will tell you about the tourist residency in Turkey for the Sudanese, and we will first answer the question, is the tourist residency for the Sudanese in Turkey allowed, then what are the conditions that must be met to obtain the tourist residency for the Sudanese and what are the required papers in addition to the most important features that characterize the tourist residency in Turkey Finally, we will answer the most common questions about the establishment of Sudanese tourism in Turkey.
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Yes, Sudanese can obtain tourist residency, and tourist residency is considered one of the best residencies in Turkey, so it is an ideal choice for many individuals, and if you are Sudanese and wish to obtain residency in Turkey Choosing a tourist residence will give you many advantages, which we will mention to you during this article.
And because Turkey is one of the best tourist destinations in the world, thousands of Sudanese flock to it every year, not only for the purpose of tourism, as it attracts many students, investors, and even patients for treatment, whether from Sudan or from around the world.
If you would like to obtain more information and details about tourism in Turkey, you can contact us at Al-Fanar Insurance and Residency Company in Turkey , to answer all your questions.
Those wishing to obtain tourist residency in Turkey for Sudanese must adhere to fulfilling some conditions in order to be able to enter and reside in Turkey and enjoy tourism, and the most important of these conditions are:
In order to apply for tourist residency in Turkey for Sudanese, you must ensure that all papers and documents required of you are secured during the interview in order to ensure approval and that there are no obstacles that prevent you from obtaining residency, which are :
Residency in Turkey of all kinds is distinguished by securing special advantages for foreigners during their stay in Turkey, and it seeks through these advantages to attract more foreign visitors to it in order to achieve its goals in stimulating the economy and striving towards further development, but those who have tourist residency in Turkey for Sudanese have advantages In particular, it has contributed to attracting many Sudanese to tourism in Turkey every year, and these features are:
There are many questions in the minds of Sudanese who wish to obtain tourist residency in Turkey, so in this paragraph we will mention to you the most common questions that are asked in addition to answering them and talking about important details that must be known before traveling to Turkey.
Yes, the traveler who holds the Sudanese passport needs to obtain a travel visa or a visa in order to be able to enter the Turkish lands, and the visa is obtained by submitting the application at the Turkish embassy in Sudan, after making sure that all conditions are met and all the required documents are prepared, which were mentioned in the article Above, after confirming the type of visa that you want to obtain, tourist, real estate, student, etc., as each type has specific papers and conditions.
The costs of obtaining a tourist visa from Turkey to Sudan vary from time to time, but the cost of obtaining a visa from the Turkish embassy in Khartoum is estimated at about $60.
It is not possible to specify a fixed time for the flight, as it varies in different ways, but the fastest flight from Khartoum until its arrival in Istanbul takes 4 hours.
Sudanese who hold a tourist residency in Turkey can leave Turkey, provided that the period of their stay outside Turkey does not exceed.
At the end of our article, we hope that we have explained to you everything you need to know about the tourist residence in Turkey for the Sudanese, starting with some details about this residence and moving on to mentioning the most important conditions for obtaining it in addition to the necessary papers, and finally what are the advantages of the Sudanese tourist residence in Turkey, and finally We mentioned the most common questions about accommodation with answers and clarified some important details.
If you have more inquiries, you can contact us at Al-Fanar Insurance and Residence Company in Turkey , as we are ready to assist you and answer all your questions.
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