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The idea of buying and licensing a store in Turkey, and starting a particular business of your own is a popular idea in the minds of many, and the issue is not limited to businessmen and is not limited to thinking about buying a large store, but even a small shop or any store that can be bought and invested properly. It has the character of a "correct idea" and a smart investment move, regardless of the capital you allocate for it
Our conversation today will be interesting and useful for those wishing to learn about the types of shops that can benefit from opening in Turkey, and the ideas that are considered successful in the second step after buying a store in Turkey,
As Fanar Realty has promised you, we enrich our articles with tips, directions and alerts that will help you build a successful investment idea and motivate you for further investment.
Yes, of course, a foreigner can buy and open a shop in Turkey, or rent it for this purpose.
What is even better, even the nationalities who are prohibited from owning real estate in Turkey, such as the Syrians, for example, can after licensing the shop to buy it in the name of the business they opened.
Some people ask, do you advise us to buy a store in Turkey? Here we will answer with two cases in which the questioner seeks advice, and we will present the two cases in the form of two independent questions to gain more benefit:
If you do not buy a store in Turkey, will you buy in another?
If you want to buy a shop, but I'm not sure if Turkey is a suitable country for that, you can rest assured in this regard, that Turkey is a tourist land, in which more than 83 million Turks reside, along with about 5 million foreign residents and millions of tourists who visit it at different times of the year. This provides a lot of customer traffic.
Also, the Arab element has become a very large consumer market and needs someone to nourish it and meet its needs, and this increases the chances of success of any business project that depends on Arab customers, even if it is small at the level of a modest shop, it will succeed if you plan it well and follow the advice that we will mention in a paragraph suffix.
If you do not buy a store in Turkey, will you invest your money in another aspect?
Here it must be noted that owning a store in Turkey, in addition to having an actual project that you studied and prepared for, is much more important and profitable than dozens of investment plans that you dream of.
Unfortunately, there are those who freeze their money In the banks or operate them with usurious and unsatisfactory benefits in the first place and ignore what is much better by actually starting a project, even if it is small, and activating it and reaping profits from it.
Do not believe that there is more development for your money than trading, but you need to study the Turkish market well and know your financial and practical capabilities to start your trade, and then you will notice the big difference you make in developing your money and increasing your profits from your business
Turkey is a vital country with distinction, its laws and the conditions that Turkey enjoys from societal and political stability and economic growth, in addition to the growth of the tourism sector, and the increase in the number of Arab residents in Turkey, all of which are considered incentives to start your business in Turkey, which you certainly start with the step of buying a shop in Turkey
In general, all Turkish states are considered encouraging to invest in and open shops, small, medium, and large enterprises, and the best areas to open a shop in Turkey are:
These states top the lists of Arab demand for housing and stability, in addition to being vital and of an encouraging nature for investment, although we always advise choosing Istanbul for such projects because the success rate of the commercial project in it, no matter how small, is great opportunities and provides a solid ground for building your brand, your audience, and your customers And your customers.
But it does not prevent you from thinking about other states if you have sufficient experience with the nature of the commercial market in them, the locations of Arabs and their activities, and the best successful investment ideas in these states.
For Istanbul, we recommend buying a shop in one of the following areas:
In these areas or in any area of your choice, make sure that your business is located in the area's "main square" or in the public market, close to the daily traffic of customers and tourists.
What you need After you have determined the state and the region you have chosen, we must talk about the ideas that are suitable for this shop you bought, and the best thing that can be invested in the shop in Turkey are the following areas:
Among the encouraging areas to open a store in Turkey are the following commercial areas:
Men's, women's or children's clothing store
Arabic sweets shop
Arabic perfume and incense installation shop
A shop selling various paints and coatings and their supplies
Electronics shop "selling and repairing" such as mobiles and computers
Turkish carpet shop
Upholstery washing and cleaning shop
Car wash
Selling decorative accessories for cars and motorbikes
Automotive motor oil shop
Bridal dress rental shop
Hall for public events "celebration / wedding / condolence .."
A shop that sells accessories and decorations
Shop for birds and pets
A shop selling electrical appliances "refrigerators/air conditioners/televisions/washing machines..."
Household utensils store
Used household items store
Gas cylinders shop
The list is very long. All business ideas that you would like to open a store in Turkey for will have distinct and encouraging chances of success.
In Turkey there is also an opportunity to open small or large workshops in various specializations:
Furniture shop
metal plating shop
blacksmith's shop
sewing shop
printing press
Auto repair shop
key copy shop
The Arab community, estimated at millions in Turkey, needs stores that cover their food needs from Arab sources and companies, such as:
Arabic restaurant
Arabic coffee shop or cafeteria
Arabic ice cream shop
Arabic sweets shop
Pastry and pizza restaurant
Shawarma or Falafel Restaurant
Meat shop
A shop selling Arabic milk and its derivatives
Arabic spice shop
Commercial shop "Saman"
A wholesale store for distributing foodstuffs of Arabic origin
Arabic bread oven
The shop can be used in Turkey for various service areas such as:
Real Estate Services
translation services
Transaction tracking services in Turkish institutions
Student Services
Tourism Services
Hotel reservation and flight reservation services
Talking about shops in Turkey and their ideas is not limited to the above, but the list is very long, and other ideas are:
Beauty salon for women
Men's barbershop
educational center
medical Center
If you want to open a shop in Turkey, it must be legally licensed to ensure the safety and legality of your business, and the following are details about licensing shops in Turkey:
There are no strict conditions by the Turkish government regarding the shops on its territory, but it requires that the shop be licensed as a company and thus there must be:
fixed capital
Fixed address of the shop
Preparing the necessary documents to open the shop
Commitment to business tax
In order to open your business in Turkey, you must submit the following documents in the licensing transaction:
Passport/copy of it or Kamlik "temporary protection" card for Syrians
Tax Number
Three personal photos of the owner of the shop
After you prepare your papers, you go to the tax department, pay the license fee and get the payment receipt, then go to the municipality in your area and submit an application for a license for your business.
Then the municipality sets a date for an inspection visit to the commercial store, after which the inspection committee issues its observations, if any, and asks you to prepare what is missing, and then issues the license.
Keep the tax document to show to any committee coming from the municipality
You can start your work after sending the license papers to the municipality as long as you have paid the tax
If the inspection committee decides to close your business for some reason, this must be adhered to, and then the matter should be legally addressed
Be careful not to open your shop without a license because that will cost you heavy taxes
Read also: Setting up a company in Turkey
Here are some tips from Al-Fanar for those who want to open a shop in Turkey:
Choosing the state, district, and region in which you will open your business is very important. When choosing, consider the following two points:
The vitality of the area and the movement of customers in it
The extent of the region's need for the commercial project that you will open
Invest in areas in which you have enough experience, or hire experienced people you trust
Buying a commercial store is better than renting it for permanent projects for which you have a feasibility study. As for pilot projects,
For those that do not have a clear study, renting is better, provided that you own the shop later.
Start your project with a massive advertising campaign, and stay active on social media
If you want to start strong, try to open a branch of a well-known company, and this will provide you with support for the brand.
A good study of any project and knowing its pros and cons, the chance of success and failure, and the expected profits and losses as well.. Being well aware of this information makes you more able to open your shop with confidence and strength.
In this article, Fanar Realty has provided you with the most important information that is useful to you about the project to open a shop in Turkey, starting from inquiring about the possibility of buying a store and opening it by foreigners, to successful ideas for commercial investment in Turkey, to the necessary steps for that, and finally with Fanar tips to get you A distinctive and sound experience. Fanar Realty is also pleased to offer you special offers for shops for sale in Istanbul, if you are interested in that, contact us.
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